She-rlock (Pink background)

ציור שמן

She-rlock (Pink background)

The painting was painted for a book that is a collection of short stories about Sherlock Holmes printed in London.
In the story for which I drew the painting there is a female character who helps Sherlock Holmes solve a mystery. It gave me an idea to draw the female character She-rlock by Sherlock Holmes. The character conveys curiosity and mystery and of course wears the hat associated with Sherlock Holmes and holds a pipe in her hand.
The painting is colorful, in shades of brown, yellow ocher and green, the painting creates interest and conveys femininity and power.
Female painting, interesting painting, colorful painting for home or office.

Total price: $121.00$909.00

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How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.

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