My beloved Frida Kahlo, one of the most significant artists to me. A powerful, powerful, engaging, determined female character, and insanely creative. Modern-style painting, contemporary art, mix media, oil painting and color / collage papers are combined, and only with careful observation are the color-to-paper combinations revealed. The character is depicted as a captivating and dominant presence, intense color that adds color to every living room, bedroom, TV room, kitchen, office, public space, cultural hall, hotel and more.
Total price: $181.00 – $696.00
Taking pictures
of your wall
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How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.
Taking pictures
of your wall
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via WhatsApp
You get back
the simulation
How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.
Talk to me
Dalit Marom
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