
ציור של ענבים, תמונה של ענבים, תמונה יפה למטבח, תמונה למטבח במשרד, תמונה צבעונית ומודרנית למטבחים לפינת אוכל לחדר אוכל למסעדה , דלית מרום


A food painting, a combination of a modern-style pop art figure with a realistic painting of green grapes. The combination creates news and originality, a young and light atmosphere. The painting conveys a sense of passion for food, a passion for grapes, really desires to eat grapes. Draws a prominent and interesting presence in space and it transmits pleasure, freedom and spontaneity. Will upgrade and add color to any space – kitchen, dining, sitting area, restaurant, cafe, office and more …

Total price: $121.00$757.00

3-Step Simulation


Taking pictures

of your wall


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the simulation

How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.

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