Flows with good energies (Black&White)

ציורים לבית - זורמת

Flows with good energies (Black&White)

– Flows with positive energies The painted character is focused on positive thoughts, she is on a tremendous swing forward with a lot of good energies.Sense of strong flow, blowing winds, a real storm. In captivating colors, the figure is swept away by the wind and despite the storm, something in the look of the eyes conveys serenity, her gaze is soothing, relaxed, exploring and observing. Will fit and greatly upgrade any space, painting for living room, bedroom, family room, lobby of public space, etc.

Total price: $181.00$969.00

3-Step Simulation


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How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.

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