Red hair

ציור של ג'ינג'ית, תמונה של אישה ג'ינג'ית, אישה עם שיגר כתום, תמונה יפה לסלון, תמונה יפה לבית

Red hair

“Red hair” – is a portrait of a redhead. Need I say more?? It’s impossible to ignore her! A happy painting with a dominant presence. This redhead woman is radiating joy, laughter, and freedom! She is winking at us, demonstrating her girl power, full of self-confidence. It’s hard to stop looking at her. The “kicking” orange hair brings a happy color stain to any space. Suitable for living room, family rooms, sitting areas, offices, hotels and other institutions and spaces.

Total price: $136.00$969.00

3-Step Simulation


Taking pictures

of your wall


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How to photograph the wall? A frontal shot (not diagonally) at a distance that will allow you to see the entire wall from side to side, and also a bit of the ceiling.

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